Saturday, September 15, 2012


Dear Students and Parents,
Welcome to the 2012-2013 school year! We are pleased to announce that the school year has launched successfully and smoothly, with a few changes to our order of operations. This year, in effort to avoid waiting in line for appointments with counselors during the last of sunny summer days, we opted to use an email communication system for receiving and responding to schedule change requests. In the two weeks prior to the first day of school, The Counseling Department reviewed and responded to over ­­­­1500 emails from parents and students. To accommodate everyone, our Navi Lab was open to any parent or student who may not have had computer or internet access. Our Counseling Department values the importance of having students start in the appropriate class placements on the first day of school, and understands that the students and parents want this as well. This year, as a result of the new schedule change request system, we concluded all schedule changes by the second Friday of the school year. Students and teachers benefit from this efficient system, which has meant a quality beginning  for each class, and less instruction time missed due to inappropriate class placements. The new system has provided an opportunity for families to communicate with their counselor from the comfort of their home, offices, or remote locations.

We have just about a month of school underway, and the rest of the semester is very swiftly approaching! This is especially true for seniors who will be applying to colleges and universities.  It is an exciting time of year, but one which is filled with much anxiety for our students. Be sure to stay tuned to our Counseling Blog (, which highlights important articles relating to school and college, scholarship opportunities, SAT/ACT information, important deadlines, and upcoming events. Hold on to your Pumpkin Spice Lattes, here’s what’s coming up!

ALL STUDENTS: Thursday, September 27, 2012 is the Humboldt Del-Norte College Night from 5pm to 8 pm at Eureka High. This is an exceptional night to meet college reps for colleges from coast to coast. Now is the time to begin thinking about colleges that are right for you. You will be able to talk to college reps about campus life, college majors, their college culture, and what it’s like to be a student at their university! Look for the flyers in the classrooms and halls, YOU DON’T WANT TO MISS IT!
Seniors needing to recover non college-prep credits through the ECS Adult Education program, please contact your counselor to set up an appointment to get started as soon as possible. The Adult Ed program opened on September 10, 2012.

The application window for California State University campuses is October 1-November 30th, 2012. You may apply and find information at:

The application window for The University of California is November 1-November 30th, 2012. However, the application opens on October 1st, so students can begin writing their personal statements now, and begin to work on their applications early! Do not wait until the middle of November to begin writing your personal statements and applications. If you can smell the turkey and the stuffing, then you’ve waited too long to get started! Applications sites have been known to crash on the final day of the application window, so keep vigil!

There are LOTS of resources for help writing your personal statements, and any other questions you may have about college application processes. The UC has its own YouTube channel, and has lists of videos meant to help you and your family make college admissions as easy as possible. Check out this personal statement video:

Visit, another EXCELLENT resource for all of your college and financial aid questions. College Week Live hosts webinars with colleges from all over the nation, and there are a multitude of videos answering questions that parents, students, and even counselors might have. Check it out!

Humboldt State University Application Review Day is Saturday October 19, 2012. Any student at EHS who meets the requirements for a CSU is admitted to HSU on this day if they attend. Students should apply to HSU prior to attending the event via Even if HSU is not your first choice, GO TO THIS EVENT! Seniors, keep as many options open for yourself as possible-apply broadly and to many different colleges! HSU is a sure choice if your first choices don’t work out! You can register for this event here:

Seniors, if you still need to take the SAT or ACT, you must take these tests no later than December 2012 for your 4 year university applications. The UC’s only take English and Math test scores from the same test session (E.g. If you took tests in July and September, you must report English and Math scores from either July OR September, not both). The CSU’s allow a student to choose their best English and Math scores of any test session. Stay tuned to the Counselor Blog and visit these websites for SAT and ACT information: (SAT), (ACT) Subject tests are no longer a requirement for UC admission, however it may be recommended by some programs and majors. You can find this information at  Subject test scores cannot hurt you, regardless of your score.
Navi lab: The first Navi lab sessions will be the week of October 8th-12th. We will be working on the UC/CSU applications, updating the Navigator 4 year plans, and reviewing the community college website. We are excited to meet with seniors in the lab this fall to assist with the college applications and planning process!
Keep your focus! Sophomore and Junior years are the years that universities will focus on when you apply to colleges in the fall of your senior year. Keep your goals in mind at all times! Write your goals on a sticky note and post it somewhere where you will see it every day to remind yourself what you’re working hard for each day.
Navi Lab: October 8th-12th, students will continue the development of their E-Portfolios in the Navi Lab, a great tool for job and college applications. We will continue to explore college and career options as well.
Navi lab: Between October 29th and November 2nd this fall, Freshmen will be working on the development of their 4-year plan in the labs. Sophomores will be updating their 4-year plans as well. All students will explore college and career options for their future.
Take advantage of the Eureka High School learning pathways, which offer an opportunity for you to explore a particular area of interest and develop job skills. The pathways are a great way to become well-informed in your area of interest, and they look great on your resumes. Students who complete a learning pathway also receive an honorary cord to wear for high school graduation.
We are very excited to be back in action with our awesome Eureka High Students. We encourage you to contact a teacher or counselor if you have questions about anything related to college or jobs for your future. We are here to help you make a plan for your adult life, and to help you reach it! Remember, nothing comes to you without a little hard work! So, keep your eye on the prize and remind yourself why you WANT to work hard each day!


The Eureka High School Counseling Team

Monica Rivera (A-G)                      Delores Haskamp (H-O)                Audra Gosvener (P-Z)

Lee Rowley, Secretary                    

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